beer reduces the ability to work in the rest of the body, but makes the mind creative.

New Delhi: Usually beer is considered harmful to health, but today we are going to tell you one of the benefits of beer which you will be surprised to read. According to the recent research, beer is beneficial to those people who feel that their creativity has become blocked i.e. their creativity has started to decline.


What does research-
Researchers at Graz University of Australia say that creativity may return when taking a limited amount of alcohol.

According to the One-Word Association Test, men can drink more than 350 ml of beer if a jar and women drink their creativity. During the research, when men were given 350 ml beer to a jar and women, their test scores increased 40% more.
How did the research-
During the research, participants were given 3 words. They had to think of these three words as 1 word which is connected to those three words. As the word “pit” can connect with ‘peach’, ‘arm’ and ‘tar’. It was found in research that the performance of people through alcohol was increasing, especially in the areas where the repatriation problems were occurring. Alcohol helped remove the block parameters of the problem part and make their mind creative.

Research results showed that alcohol increases creativity, while the rest of the body reduces the ability to function. For example, danceing and painting after drinking alcohol can cause problems.

What is the Expert-
According to Bernacek, a researcher at Gras University, alcohol reduces the ability to work in the rest of the body, but makes the mind creative.

Note: These are research claims. mithilanchal News does not confirm this. Before you start any suggestion or start treatment, consult your doctor carefully.
